Advisory Board
The Utah FFA Association Advisory Board meets quarterly to discuss and govern the well being of the Utah FFA Association members and FFA advisors. At least 1 year of meeting minutes will be posted online, but previous minutes may be obtained by contacting the Utah FFA Executive Director.
Utah FFA Advisory Board Members 2023-2024
Teacher Area Representatives:
Area 1: Katelyn Bodily, Weber, Email
Area 2: Hannah Giles, Morgan, Email
Area 3: Sydnee Roholt, JATC South, Email
Area 4: Georg Wardell, Mountain View, Email
Area 5: Katie Silcox, North Summit, Email
Area 6: David Wilson, Uintah, Email
Area 7: Traci Warnick, Tintic, Email
Area 8: Tel Walker, ARL Middle, Email
Area 9: Cameron Whitaker, Email
Area 10: Angie Niccolls, Hurricane, Email
UAAE Representative:
Jessica Grundy, UAAE President, Email
CTE Director Representative:
Mark Anderson, CTE Director,
Juab, North Sanpete & South Sanpete Districts, Email
Utah State University – ASTE Representative:
Dr. Michelle Burrows, Email
Utah FFA Association Representative:
Braxten Blazzard, President, Utah FFA Association, Email
State FFA Office Representatives:
McKena Wallentine, State FFA Executive Director, Email
Amy Fullmer, State FFA Advisor, Email