Becoming an Officer
Six outstanding individuals are selected to serve as Utah FFA State Officers each year. This page is designed to help you understand the rigor and dedication of this responsibility. Are you up for the job?
State Officer Candidates and Nominating Committee members will have scheduling conflicts with several LDEs at State Convention. Candidates are only allowed to compete in ONE EVENT. This includes CDE/LDEs and Agriscience Fair. No candidates or committee members will be allowed to compete in the Employment Skills LDE. If a candidate or committee member competes in the Extemporaneous, Prepared, or Parliamentary Procedure LDE, it is not guaranteed that they will be able to be scheduled to accommodate both the contest and selection process. All information found in links below are subject to change.
The 2025-2026 State Officer application is completed online and. Click on blue button above to access the application. The following documents must be completed and uploaded with the application:
Recommendation and Commitment Form
High School Transcript
Essay Question
Applications are DUE January 15 at 11:59 pm MST.
This handbook is one of the most important preparation tools you have. Read it in it's entirety to understand what will be expected of you as a candidate and a State officer. Learn about the selection process in detail, and feel as confident as possible when you arrive to State Convention!
Get a head start on your knowledge test preparation, sample questions, and interview tips!
Understand what the calendar looks like beyond just the events. Planning meetings, chapter visits, and much more!
The 2025 Nominating Committee application is completed online. Click on blue button above to access the application. The following document must be completed and uploaded with the application:
Commitment Form
Applications are DUE January 15 at 11:59 pm MST.
1. Qualifications - The State Officer Nominating Committee is made up of eleven bona fide FFA members in good standing for the current year and three FFA stakeholders. Applicant must be an active FFA member and hold the Chapter FFA Degree.
2. Selection Process - Nominating Committee members will be selected from the pool of applicants and the selection will be based off of the quality of the applicant. If possible, the committee will consist of at least one member from each area, and should not be selected from chapters that have state officer candidates unless necessary to meet the required number of quality committee members. Nomination Committee Candidates can be nominated by application, teacher recommendation, state officer recommendation, etc.
3. Three adults will participate as voting members of the nominating committee, with one of them participating from the beginning and two of them joining the process after the first cut. The adult members will be nominated by the current state officer team and approved by the Utah FFA Advisory Committee. Each should be an FFA stakeholder, either from Industry, a past state FFA officer out of office at least three years, or a past Utah agricultural educator.