Stay Forever Blue
The Utah FFA Alumni Association was chartered on October 31, 1975, and currently includes five chapters and 8,845 members. Nationally, there are 2,131 chapters and over 722,363 FFA Alumni and Supporters members.
Who We Are
The Utah FFA Alumni Association was chartered on October 31, 1975, and currently includes five alumni chapters. Nationally, there are 2,131 chapters and over 722,363 FFA alumni members.
Alumni and Supporters are a fundamental part of the National FFA Organization. Agriculture teachers rely on them to help get support from the community for their agriculture programs and to give them more time and freedom to do what they do best - teach kids. Some responsibilities of alumni and supporter members may include:
Providing volunteers to chaperone field trips
Judging career development events and leadership development events
Raising funds for scholarships
Helping with chapter events
Alumni members do not have to be past FFA members. They can be parents, grandparents, community members, and sponsors.
You don’t have to be a former FFA member to support FFA, agricultural education and the future of agriculture. You just have to want to make a difference!
Types of Membership
A. Associate Membership
Associate Membership is a free five-year national membership given to graduating FFA members.
FFA Members with a local alumni chapter will automatically be a member of their alumni chapter for a maximum of five years immediately following high school graduation. If there is no local chapter, FFA members are associate members at the state level.
$100 National Fee Annually
Additional state fees may be established in the future.
The Annual Fee is designed to easily mobilize volunteers to support local agricultural education programs and their FFA chapters. Chapters can provide memberships, services and benefits to an unlimited number of volunteers/supporters for one fee while keeping the rest of their funds for local programs.
Alumni membership is a 12-month period beginning August 1 and ending July 31.
Members are eligible for all awards offered by the National FFA Alumni and Supporters.
Membership renewal procedures are conducted by a roster system. Local FFA alumni chapters must submit membership via on an annual basis.
Membership dues are a one-time fee of $200.
Life membership is an investment in the future of our organization. Your investment ensures that the FFA will be around for future generations of agriculturalists and to help provide leadership training opportunities to as many members as we possibly can so that they can exert an influence in their home and community.
FFA life members receive a membership card, a membership certificate, a lifetime subscription to FFA New Horizons magazine, the ability to attend personal and professional development conferences and conventions, and additional member benefits.
Through their commitment to FFA and agricultural education, FFA Alumni help guide the students in their communities down the path to success.